The Universal Explorer Of The Life Energy
ORGONE The Cosmic Life Energy Volume 1
Hardly any scientist of the last century has aroused so much enthusiasm and such furious opposition as did Wilhelm Reich. For many he was a universal genius, comparable to Goethe or Leonardo da Vinci, for others a scientific “drop-out” and charlatan. He did fundamental work in psychoanalysis, the development of body psychotherapy and immunological cancer research and much more.
"Orgone" or What is Actually "Energy"? In this book I would like to guide you through the wide field of orgone energy. But already at the term “energy” I begin to stumble.
Wilhelm Reich A brief overview of the scientific stations Wilhelm Reich was involved with.
Was Wilhelm Reich crazy? Wilhelm Reich was one of the most controversial scientists of the 20th century. How did the rumor happen?
Dr. Eva Reich: "My Memories of W.R." Eva Reich gave this very personal lecture in April 1989 in Berlin.
Afterword from the German Version of "Fury on Earth": A condensed overview of Wilhelm Reich's reception in Germany.
Was Wilhelm Reich a Marxist? Reich’s own publications on his political orientation in citations.
A strange movie about Wilhelm Reich: "The Strange Case of Wilhelm Reich" – the failed attempt to do justice to WR.