A Plea For a Second Sexual Revolution
ORGONE The Cosmic Life Energy Volume 9
Beyond Wilhelm Reich's Orgasm Theory and Neo-Tantra. Wilhelm Reich understood that almost all people are unable to experience an unhindered orgasm and thus a fulfilling love experience due to neurotic blockages. But in the 1950s he had to realize that a therapeutic restoration of healthy character structures in adults was not possible. Thus, a restoration of healthy, fulfilling sexuality is also not possible with his methods, even though many Reichians still hold on to this idea today.
Barry Long, Osho and many other neo-tantra teachers have tried to reshape the ritual-religious sexuality of Buddhist and Hindu traditions into a sexuality based on exercise, massage and sensual encounter. Neither approach has brought the sexual liberation that people had hoped for. What can one do if one has understood that both "therapies" and "tantric exercises" do not lead to a goal, but one still feels a deep longing to live a fulfilling sexuality?
I can recognise in neo-tantra the beginning of a second sexual revolution. Nevertheless, I see great problems in the way neo-tantra deals with sexuality and spirituality. It now seems to me to be a thick tangle of mystical half-knowledge, uncritically adopted opinions of gurus, misunderstood statements by Wilhelm Reich and blatant spiritual and sexual profiteering.