The bions
from non-living to living matter
Wilhelm Reich created single-cell cultures in order to compare the cell division and fusion of microorganisms with the sexual functions of higher organisms. He discovered that protozoa in the hay
infusion are not - as the biological doctrine says - created by airborne germs, but develop spontaneously from decaying organic matter.
Grass cells dissolve in water, form tiny bubbly structures - Reich called them "bions" - which cluster together, form a common membrane and begin autonomous movements. They detach themselves from
the inanimate matter and are "born" as microorganisms, as single-celled organisms capable of reproducing. Reich was able to demonstrate this process in both sterile and non-sterile preparations.
From all decaying organic substances, bions are permanently created and thus the process of biogenesis is constantly taking place.
Reich, who was not a trained natural scientist, was very much attacked by experts who, however, did not take the trouble to objectively comprehend his research.
In the meantime, the experiments were repeated several times and confirmed on the whole. Reich as well as researchers in more recent times made impressive films and videos about the bion
The observation of bionic decay of blood and tissue gave a completely new view of cancer. - Research into radiation phenomena he observed on the bion preparations led to the discovery of orgone