The children of the future
In his many years of psycho- and body-therapeutic work, Wilhelm Reich had ultimately become very pessimistic about the effectiveness of psychiatric work with neurotically hardened adults. He
said: "You can no more make an adult into a healthy person with therapeutic methods than you can make a crooked tree straight.
There can only be real health if children grow up emotionally healthy from the start. Therefore, one of Reich's projects was the "Orgonomic Infant Research Center", which was to research the
conditions for children to grow up healthy.
Conditions for the development of the unborn are already created in the womb: the most important factors are the vitality of the mother and the energetic supply of the foetus. Reich and other
orgonomic doctors strongly recommended extensive use of the orgone accumulator and, if possible, orgone/vegeto-therapeutic care for the mother.
As early as the 1940s, Wilhelm Reich called for birth conditions that only later became known under the term "natural childbirth". Reich's methods go far beyond this, however, in that the mother
is helped through the stress of birth extremely effectively with body-therapeutic methods, which also makes the birth much easier for the baby.
Even the newborn can be treated with body therapy - with very good chances of success. Eva Reich, Wilhelm Reich's daughter, developed these methods further as a paediatrician. They have also
found their way into the public domain as "baby massage".
However, what Wilhelm Reich understands by the term "children of the future" goes much further: Orgonomy is the scientific approach to understand the living in its basic functions and to create
conditions so that children can grow up emotionally healthy. Here - only here in the emotional health of the children of future generations - lies the chance of humanity.