The orgone accumulator
Life energy from the atmosphere

Wilhelm Reich's central development was the orgone accumulator, a cabin made of iron and surrounded by insulating material. Organisms are able to charge themselves with atmospheric free energy, "ORGON", in such a device. The more layers of iron and insulator - polyester wool is common today, Wilhelm Reich still used glass wool - it has, the stronger this charging effect.

Electrical insulators attract orgone and bind it. Metal attracts orgone and repels it immediately. Therefore the orgone flows towards the inside of the accumulator.

The organism inside the orgone accumulator superimposes itself with the energy field on the metal sheets. Both, the accumulator and the human being form a common, very strong energy system that can absorb large amounts of orgone from the surrounding atmosphere.

After a short habituation phase, the user is able to considerably increase the energetic charge, the "vitality": all organismic processes are stimulated and the self-healing powers are supported.

Reich called the merging of the body's energy field with the stored atmospheric energy " Irradiation", a pleasant, even intimate experience of gentle flow and inner glow.

First and foremost, the orgone accumulator is a medical device - this is how Wilhelm Reich had presented it. But he himself and his co-workers, as well as all those who have had the incomparable experience of the irriradiation in the accumulator, used it to increase vitality and to add an extra dimension to their lives. Irriadiation is a very joyful experience, an intimate "touch", a merging of the body's own energy field with that of the accumulator, which occurs after a short habituation phase and which can be perceived as a "gentle flow" or "glow" in the organism. One is penetrated by waves of atmospheric energy.

This perception is quite real, unmystical, as it is based on the ability of every cell of the body to absorb energy and expand plumply. Since nerve cells are also activated, a wide variety of perceptions can occur in the orgone accumulator: Tingling on the skin, sensation of warmth without a rise in temperature, rustling or metallic taste. There are also specific bodily reactions such as clearly audible stimulated intestinal activity, deepening of breathing, increased detoxification or reddening of the skin. Often there are spontaneous attacks of fever in the accumulator - the organism reacts to the higher energy potential by spontaneously reacting to already existing infections. Measurable is the increase of skin and core temperature, heart rate and after longer use basic improvements of physiological values are shown, e.g. the blood sedimentation rate is considerably prolonged in most users.

It is also possible to overcharge, as the charging process does not end until one leaves the device. Overcharging manifests itself in slowly increasing unpleasant sensations such as headaches, hot flushes, nausea. This is not dangerous at first, because overcharging never occurs suddenly. One leaves the unit, goes out into the fresh air or takes a full bath and the symptoms quickly fade away. However, extreme overcharging can become dangerous, especially if one is already suffering from overcharging diseases such as chronic high blood pressure.

The orgone accumulator is a very effective medical device for the sick and disabled - and an incomparable enrichment of the quality of life for healthy people.

Orgone energy can be had like water or air and it is available in unlimited quantities. All that needs to be done is to bring to the user a mechanism to concentrate it; this, as has been demonstrated, is the orgone accumulator. Conditions must be provided so that even the poorest people can afford the concentrated orgone energy. So it is the responsibility of those working orgonomically to make orgone energy available to the greatest number of people possible.
Wilhelm Reich, The Orgone Energy Accumulator, it's Scientific and Medical Use





Jürgen Fischer

Steinbach 2
87739 Breitenbrunn

Tel.:  08263 960 71 70

UId-Nr: DE 172054894


«Gott» ist die Natur, und Christus ist die Verwirklichung des Naturgesetzes.

Gott (Natur) hat die Genitalien bei allen Lebewesen geschaffen. Er hat das getan, damit diese nach natürlichen, göttlichen Gesetzen funktionieren. Deshalb ist es weder Sakrileg noch Blasphemie, dem Verkünder Gottes auf Erden ein natürliches, göttliches Liebesleben zuzuschreiben. Dieses ist im Gegenteil die Verwurzelung Gottes in der reinsten Tiefe des Menschen.

Diese Tiefe existiert im Leben von Anfang an. Die Fortpflan- zungsfunktion kommt erst in der Pubertät zur Genitalität hinzu.

Die göttliche, genitale Liebe ist schon lange vor der Fortpflan- zungsfunktion da; deshalb wurde auch die genitale Umarmung von der Natur bzw. von Gott nicht nur zum Zweck der Fortpflanzung geschaffen.


Wilhelm Reich, aus dem Vorwort des "Christusmord"



Im Hintergrund sehen Sie das Standbild einer grafischen Darstellung von Kreiselwellen. Unter diesem Link finden Sie Kreiselwellen in einer bewegten Trick-Animation. (Für eine bildschirmfüllende Darstellung betätigen Sie bitte die Taste F11). Diese grafische Darstellung kann die Kreiselwellen nur annähernd zeigen. Was Sie tatsächlich am Himmel sehen, kann sich davon erheblich unterscheiden.

Kreiselwellen sind optische Erscheinungen der Orgon-Energie, die immer nur subjektiv wahrnehmbar sind, d.h. man kann sie nicht fotografieren oder filmen - sie existieren nicht als eigenständiges, objektives Phänomen. Deshalb gehören sie für den Verstand nicht zur "Realität" - dennoch können sie von fast allen Menschen wahrgenommen werden. Hier auf finden Sie detallierte Anleitungen (auch als kostenloses mp3-Hörbuch), wie Sie die Lebens-Energie sehen, hören und fühlen können.

Es ist sehr einfach ...

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„Haben Sie schon mal über wirkliche Freiheit nachgedacht Willard? Freiheit von den Meinungen Anderer, sogar von den eigenen Meinungen?“


Colonel Walter E. Kurtz im Film Apocalypse Now