I know that people like to speculate about orgonomic medicine in combination with other alternative medical methods in a superficial way. So eg. about "orgone acupuncture", but often there is
obviously no practical medical experience behind. It's a theoretical speculation. Please understand that I cannot support ideas that I myself identified as dangerous and irresponsible.
Orgonomy, acupuncture and radionics are complete and fully developed medical systems. Each of them is very powerful. To combine them affords to master each of the applied systems and to know of
it's implications practically and theoretically before one applies them in a combination treatment of living beings. So my conclusion is: I know very few medically trained persons who did or do
this in a serious and responsible way. People often think that they may use a combination of two medical methods without a profound education in both of the systems.
There is a country doctor in Bavaria. He is one of the few trained medical doctors in orgonomy who treats thousands of patients every year with the ORAC. And he is also a well known homeopath
with an excellent international reputation. He also uses other alternative medical methods such as bach flowers, aurasoma etc. and he has published a book on medical orgonomy. Patients may call
him for medical advice but I know he is not amused being asked to discuss medical methods with non-professionals.